wow, it has been a while since i have posted to the blog, but i am going to make it a priority now. well alot has changed since the last post so i will sum it up really quick, we have three new staff members, one from Sweden, one from Roseburg, Oregon and the last from hear London in the UK. they are all really nice and cool. we had the 9th anniversary/ birthday for the school and it demanded a fun day at a waterfall near Guangzhou, the pictures below are of that great day, it was very beautiful and i am glad i went. even thought it was 4,000 steps to the top and 4,000 back down so my legs were really sore the next three days. ohh well no pain, no gain right!
The Mountain trip:
it was with all the western and chinese staff, it was a 2.5 hour bus ride over and back. we arrived to nice meal prepared for us and then we set out for the hike, naturally the western staff took off in front of the chinese, since our legs are a bit longer. we would then pause a few times up the hill to take a few pictures. once at the top it was great views of the land below and the mountains around, we hiked up to this cell phone tower that looked like a tree up close and from the ground it looked like a cell phone tower, it was funny. then we hiked back down to catch the bus back to huizhou where we just relaxed and had a small meal. check out the pictures and i will post here more often now.